Programme Director I am delivering this message on behalf of the mandarins of the public service, both at provincial and municipal level, these being Heads of Department, Chief Executive Officers and Municipal Managers.

This is so because the Members of the Executive Councils touched the lives of, and worked or interacted with all HODs and Municipal Managers at different occasions and work assignments. We therefore considered it prudent to deliver this message which is from each and all of these mandarins collectively.

So this message is to all Members of the Executive Council and the Premier. It reads thus

“We joined the 6th administration at different times as Heads of Department and Municipal Managers. We have enjoyed working with you during both the challenging and good times. Sometimes we faltered, and you gave us your support and guidance.

Notwithstanding the challenges encountered in our working environment, we were able to maintain good working relations. We have enjoyed your fatherly / motherly role, sometimes you even serving as our sisters, brothers, uncles, cousins and aunts. That role nurtured and created a spirit of family away from family, thus positively contributing to a good morale and performance. Ours was a very special community, a kind of extended family. We had fun and laughter in the happy times, and we supported each other in times of difficulties, illness or bereavement.

We hope that we have been the good shock absorbers in your difficult and demanding role of satisfying the ever rising expectations of the communities we serve. Where we were short, please accept our apologies, but we tried our best.

Once again thank you for your positive spirit which was contagious to the whole management teams in the departments and municipalities. Thanks again for your visionary leadership and the policy direction you gave which steered the departments to greater heights. Your dedication to the management team and the department was truly felt and much appreciated.

As you conclude your term as Premier and Members of the Executive Council, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your dedication, leadership, and tireless efforts in serving our province. Your commitment to public service has made a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities. Your legacy will continue to inspire and shape our country’s future. Your unwavering passion for community development has improved the lives of many, and your contributions will not be forgotten.

We are not sad today, we are also not wishing you well, there is no “we shall miss you” and there is no wishing well for future endeavours etc

This is because we know that your journey through the 6th administration does not necessarily end here. We are not sad that your term is ending, we don’t have to wish you well in anything, we don’t have to say go well, because we are confident that we shall soon re-unite again after the swearing in ceremonies post elections, in whatever capacities. Yours is a forced leave of a few days after the first sitting of the Legislature.

This paragraph is particularly echoed by the DG and the HODs since we are directly affected. How we wish and hope we can retain the good working relations we have built over the years. This is because we know very well how difficult it can be to build an effective and good working relationship with our principals, but whatever happens, we are ready again to serve with you or anyone appointed after the elections. We know very well that we don’t choose our bosses.

This thank you message is meant for all the Premiers and Members of the Executive Council who served in the 6th administration, present or in absentia. It is equally delivered on behalf of Heads of Department, Chief Executive Officers and Municipal Managers who served with such leadership, present or in absentia.

Lastly, we say salute, to the leadership collective of the 6th administration and we say thank you, it was a privilege to have you as our leaders, continue to serve our communities in whatever capacity you may be posted in the future”

Le ka moso, re a leboga